Islamseminarium Den 31 januari 2010 i Stockholm

Den 31 januari 2010 kommer ytterliggare ett seminarium om islam hållas, denna gången i Stockholm.

Anmälan görs genom att maila mig på Ange i rubriken ”Anmälan islamseminarium Stockholm” eller dylikt.

Vid anmälan, vänligen uppge följande:

• Namn och efternamn
• Emailadress

Nedan är ett utkast till schema för dagen:

Outline: Non-muslims under Islam

Please arrive 30 minutes earlier than the start time to register

Note: This is a draft itinerary. The times stated below are due to change, but the seminar will be held around lunch time. Also, the order of the speakers can change aswell as the specific subject they will adress.

11.30 – 11.45: Introduction and welcome, by Kent Ekeroth, international secretary for the Sweden Democrats

11.45– 12.30: Farshad Kholghi; life under Islam in Iran after 1979

12.30– 12.45: Break

12.45– 13.30: Kuel Jok, Life under Islam in Sudan

13.30– 13.45: Break with refreshments

13.45– 14.30: Nicolai Sennels; Psychological profile of the Muslim culture

14.30– 14.45: Closing statements

About the speakers:

Farshad Kholghi is a Danish-Iranian debater, actor and lecturer. He fled in 1984 when he was 13 years, with his family from Iran to Denmark.

In Denmark, among other things, he participated in a number of movies and in television satire programs. In addition, he writes articles for Metro and Berlingske Tidende and is active in the public debate particularly regarding Islam and integration. He advocates Western ideals of freedom and opponent of appeasement towards the Islamic ideology.

Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who recently came out with ”Among criminal muslims”, a book about his unique experience in the treatment of young criminals with a Muslim background. His conclusions to why the Danish authorities and municipalities fail to deal with criminals from the Middle East is because Muslim culture makes integration impossible.

Kuel Jok, a Sudanese Christian from South Sudan. Born, bred, grew and educated in that Islamic environment of Islamic fundamentalism. Speaks and write Arabic fluently. Among other things; PhD in Sociology from University of Helsinki, M.A in Sociology University of Joensuu, B. A in English Linguistics, Omdurman Ahlia University, Sudan.

Kent Ekeroth och övriga talare önskar er varmt välkommna till detta seminarium om Islam.

OBS OBS 31 januari 2010 i Stockholm. Startid 11.30 kom helst 30 minuter innan.

För mer info besök Kent Ekeroths sida här

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